“The Penny Brohn Cancer Care supports massage as safe and beneficial therapy, for those with cancer, when practised by a therapist with appropriate experience and/or training.
People with cancer who have had a massage said they found it relaxing and it gave them a sense of relief. Research suggests that it may help to reduce pain, depression and anxiety.”
Penny Brohn – Massage research paper.
Regular massage for those with Cancer and life limiting conditions can:
Completion of a consultation is required prior to undergoing massage treatment. There are a couple of reasons why treatment may not be possible, but in most cases, treatment can be adapted to suit the individual.
Aromatherapy can also be incorporated into your treatment, as appropriate.
Treatment can either be carried out in your preferred position, which brings you most comfort e.g. lying on your back, tummy or side, supported with cushions.
Alternatively, a Hydrotherm Tranquil Sea 3D massage, allows you to remain lying, on your back, on warm water filled cushions, throughout the massage, with no need for turning; thus facilitating ultimate relaxation. Click here for more information on Hydrotherm.
Relaxing massage treatment (if you are able to lie on your front) plus consultation*: 120 minutes – £150.00
Hydrotherm massage and consultation: 120 minutes – £150.00
Add on optional face and head massage with essential oils – £15.00
Add on essential oil blend to take home – £10.00
*Please allow approx 30 minutes for consultation time in your appointment.
MOTH Therapies is registered with The Amethyst Trust and also provides treatments via the Harmony Therapy Trust in Kent, a Charity providing free treatment for those affected by Cancer and life limiting conditions. A referral is required by a Health professional. Please see their website for information www.theharmonytherapytrust.org.uk