
Helping you to find Power in the Pause 


I am on a mission to help you, as a woman, to bust the distress of perimenopause; supporting you to find your power and purpose, to not settle for second best, but to focus on what you value most and achieve what you want out of life. To feel happy, confident and fulfilled, so that you have a spring in your step and joy in your heart, so you can be present with your family, enjoy time with friends and have a fulfilling career.

Do you think you might be experiencing perimenopause?

Have you come to that time in your life when you’re noticing changes? Do you feel trapped in a dark place with no way out? Do you feel like you are losing your mind and your sense of self?

Maybe you can relate to how Louise is feeling?

For generations, menopause (let alone perimenopause) wasn’t mentioned at school when we learned about periods and reproduction.
Your mother probably didn’t mention it either, but you may remember finding her hiding in the kitchen, secretively mopping the back of her neck!
Let me tell you, that this isn’t a time to fear, be worried or hide in the kitchen like your Mum did.

I believe it’s a time to embrace, feel empowered and prepare yourself for a future that is bright and fulfils your values and needs. It may take a little work to get there, but the journey can be healing and cathartic.

What are the different stages of menopause?

The time in your life before any symptoms start to happen.

The time leading up to menopause, when hormones levels fluctuate and reduce and you start to experience symptoms.

This is just ONE day in your life! It is when your periods have stopped for one year.

The time in your life after menopause.

It is likely that Menopause won’t even be on your radar until you start to experience some of the symptoms (due to your body’s natural decline in reproductive hormones); but the earlier you learn about what to expect, means you can be fully prepared and put actions in place to prevent issues from arising.

What are the symptoms?

There are 34 recognised symptoms of Perimenopause, but there are many others that are often reported. These symptoms can affect you physically and psychologically and they can change from one day to the next, or the same symptoms may remain for some time and then change.

It will all depend on your reproductive hormone levels, which can fluctuate massively on a daily basis and start to reduce over time. These include Oestrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone (which is not exclusive to men!).

Why is it important to understand the perimenopause transition?

  1. Education is power. It brings about awareness of self and arms you with information to make changes and to seek help.
  2. Perimenopause is a window of opportunity to maximise your wellbeing, for the post menopause period, when various risk factors increase. If you are starting to experience symptoms, they are a sign that you need to make some changes now.
  3. Preparation is key to a healthy and happy life.

I offer a complementary approach to treatment
I support Perimenopausal women to bust symptoms of hormonal distress; helping you to take control of your mind and body, so you can live life to the full again.
Complementary treatment approaches can be extremely valuable to help manage your symptoms through balancing your lifestyle factors.
Even if you decide to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), making changes to lifestyle factors are still vital to implement, to ensure you maximise your health and wellbeing for the longer term.
Everyone is different, so finding an approach that works for you and a practitioner that you can connect with, is the most important thing.

I spent years researching, trying out various therapies and then training in the ones that helped me, so I could help you painlessly and easily, saving you precious time, to get to the root of the problem.

For example:

  • Occupational Therapy to help with sleep, stress and fatigue management, pelvic health and purpose
  • Aromatherapy to improve mood swings, stress or low libido
  • Massage to aid relaxation and reduce pain
  • Myofascial release to help tension and emotional release
  • Meditation to ease a racing mind, increase focus and build resilience
  • Remedial hypnosis to experience freedom from trauma, unhelpful habits, low self esteem or even hot flushes.
  • Therapeutic coaching to somatically and compassionately understand your needs, values and beliefs, find freedom and heal your traumatic experiences

I will marry together mind and body therapies, to ultimately create a safe space for you to share your inner thoughts and concerns, without any judgement, so you feel cared for and nurtured. It’s important to me, that you feel heard, are seen and are given a helping hand to maximise your wholeness as a woman.

The MOTH Therapies 7 pillars of focus include:

Stress management, Sleep, Nutrition, Movement, Pelvic health, People and Purpose.
My Perimenopause services will ensure you bounce into your future, full of energy, hope and empowered to be healthy, balanced and wise.

How will you feel after working with me?

Perimenopause is a powerful time of transformation and an opportunity to rediscover yourself, to be unapologetically you, to do the things that you want to do, to find time for things that you need to do for your health, and create the best version of you.

Increase your awareness:
You will reflect on your values, needs, wants and desires, creating your future vision
You will be supported to Identify what you are struggling with and formulate a plan of action that archives results
You will be facilitated to set achievable goals, so you can see your progress as your mind and body grows and changes

Create a sense of awakening:
You will learn and understand what is happening to you so that you feel educated and empowered, developing a sense of control over yourself
You will be armed with information and strategies, to maximise your health and wellbeing, for your mind, body and soul; creating a sense of peace, joy and happiness
You will be facilitated to grow and make changes, that you want to make, to feel well, content and confident

Develop through advancement:
Having learned helpful strategies, routines and skills, you will be able to manage your stress levels, balance your hormones and bounce back in the face of adversity
You will feel confident to create a life that you want to live, unapologetically doing the things that help you to feel purpose, joy and passion in your life
You will have the skills to manage the mind monkeys and kick stress to the kerb
Your life will feel balanced, you will have clarity of purpose and you will be able to stay on track maintaining the gains you have made.

How can you work with me?

  • Find Power in the Pause with Menopause Coaching; let’s work together on the 7 pillars and create a bespoke plan that works for you, to achieve your goals, bust through your distress, to feel bright and find yourself again!
  • You can also cherry-pick individual therapies, if you know what would work for you e.g. Therapeutic Coaching, Bodywork or Remedial Hypnosis. Rest assured that I will support all areas of your health and wellbeing, as such as possible, within each session.
  • Services are in person at my beautiful studio in Whitstable or some services are available online.
  • Whichever route you choose, MOTH Therapies services will help you to find yourself so that you rise out of the darkness to feel invigorated, energised and fulfilled.

What Next?

Come along to The Compassion Circle

On the first Friday of each month, we gather at MOTH HQ, to connect, listen and support each other. The session has some structure, but it is guided by the attendees. You can find out more information HERE.

Join my supportive Facebook Group
It can also be really helpful to find a tribe of like-minded women that will guide, nurture and support you. They will lift you up when you need it, give advice, a hug or maybe a kick up the bum, because let’s face it, we all have times when we need that!

If you would like some support I would love to connect with you in my free Facebook group, Restore through Perimenopause

Book a call 
I can support you on your journey – book a FREE 20 minute call or email me to book your treatment or personalised programme.

Free Resources
Download my free resources on perimenopause

Check out my Aromaclass to help you with your symptoms